Hi, I'm Pierre

I build stuff for fun, I like to learn new skills: be it electronics and hardware and writing code for it, flying planes, scuba diving, riding motorcycles and mountain bikes, woodworking, welding, playing with 3d printers, CNC machines and laser engravers. I also enjoy the occasional CTF, or hacking IoT things I buy. I… have too many hobbies.

I live in Seattle, WA, a long way from my country of origin, France.

This is a personal website that has nothing to do with my day job. I just need a place to keep track and sometimes show things I hacked together, experiences I’ve had, places I’ve been, books i’ve enjoyed… It’s not necessarily the most up to date thing and some of it is really old.

I’m currently on a taking time off after 4 years at Cloudflare, where I helped build the Browser Isolation product that was started by a few former colleagues at S2 Systems. Before that, I spent 11 years at Microsoft in Azure IoT, as a manager and individual contributor, in Skype, some incubation projects and earlier in the field as a Developer Evangelist. Before Microsoft, I had started my career as a Field Application Engineer at Freescale, closer to the metal, as a specialist on ARM processors and embedded Linux: so you could say i walked my way up the stack from the silicon to the cloud.

Site built with Hugo and with the hyde-hyde theme, hosted on Github Pages